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Audience Segmentation

Audience segmentation is a marketing strategy for identifying audience subgroups and developing customized messaging to address their unique needs and wants. Such subgroups are also referred to as segments. They can be based on a wide range of identifiers such as demographics, psychographic tendencies, shopping habits, and behavior. At Blue Kazoo Marketing & Event Planning, we help you learn everything you need to know about your audience and the best way to reach them.

Need for Audience Segmentation

Audience segmentation into different groups is an excellent way to better understand them. Your marketing messages can then be customized, ensuring that they effectively reach your potential customers. While different segments will be interested in your product or service, they will have entirely unique needs and wants. This requires developing different messages and solutions for different segments

When an audience feels that a message was developed keeping them in mind, they tend to be more receptive and are more likely to convert. They will feel better understood and more valued. This is also likely to improve customer loyalty.

Steps to Audience Segmentation

At Blue Kazoo, we will review your audience information and develop segmentation criteria before segmenting. The different steps that we follow in the process are as follows:

Reviewing Audience Information

We will review the information on your primary audiences during the audience and situation analysis. The information will help us understand the best way to segment your audiences. We will review the following information points:

  • The way each audience gets affected by the issue
  • Sizes of the audience
  • Demographics
  • Psychographics
  • Knowledge & behaviors
  • Additional information, if any

Deciding Segmentation Criteria

Next, we will determine the criteria to be used for segmenting the audiences. Some of the steps involved in the process include:

  • Check out the primary audiences
  • Identify traits that make a segment much different from other audience members
  • Identify traits that make a segment much different from other audience members

Such differences are based on geographic, socio-demographic, psychographic, and/or behavioral differences between the members.

Audience Segmenting

We will segment your audience based on the above-mentioned criteria using a wide range of techniques.

  • A commonly used technique is the application of a segmentation table.
  • Creating a segmentation tree is another method.

A segmentation table or segmentation tree showcases potential audience segments. The next step is for the program team to decide which segments to prioritize.

Segments to Be Targeted

Next, it is important to determine the segments that need to be targeted and the way to approach them. When the program team identifies more audience segments than it needs to reach or its resources allow, it will be required to narrow down the list. We will take the following factors into account for this purpose:

  • Impact: We will consider the size of the segment and determine how much impact behavior change in a segment can make on the issue.
  • Accessibility: We will determine whether the available resources can allow the program team to reach the specific segment.
  • Priorities: Usually, the audience segments with behavior that can be changed more easily are targeted on priority. This helps in achieving impacts more quickly and readily.

Once this step has been taken, our team will conduct assessments and develop audience profiles. If you want to learn more about our audience segmentation services, feel free to contact us at 678.310.4811. You can also write to us and we will get back to you at the earliest.
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