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Brand Positioning & Message Development

When your business occupies a special place in the minds of your target audience, it is said to be well-positioned. When your business or brand is well-positioned, you have a big marketing edge over your competition. At Blue Kazoo Marketing & Event Planning, we create the best ways to tell your brand’s story while making every interaction with your brand memorable for your target audience.

Brand Positioning

Brand positioning differentiates your brand from your competition. In this increasingly competitive market, it is essential to choose this service at different stages. Remember, your target audience has almost unlimited options. There should be several reasons they would want to choose you.

The first thing we will ask you when taking up your project is about the product or service that makes your business unique. You know the value that you are bringing to the marketplace, but it is very rare for owners or managers to know how to communicate that value in the best possible way to their audience. This is where our brand positioning services come into the picture.

We will evaluate your business goals and needs before including a combination of the following services:

  • Market analysis & competitive analysis
  • Unique selling proposition statement development
  • Brand personality development
  • Target customer profile development
  • Mission & values statements
  • Market analysis
  • Competition analysis
  • Brand messaging
  • Statement of brand promise
  • Social media profile development
  • Taglines & catchphrases
  • Website copywriting

Like all services we offer, your brand positioning strategy will also be customized to your brand’s unique needs.

Message Development

Well-planned and implemented message strategies help achieve goals such as motivating specific actions, changing minds, and inspiring the audience. At Blue Kazoo, we follow the fundamental 5C’s of message development which include:

  • Clarity
  • Compelling
  • Connection
  • Continual
  • Concise

Implementing these principles helps ensure your message is customized to your audience.

  • We use these principles to express your position, issue, and/or idea
  • We have the expertise needed to translate your complex information to take it to the masses, decision-makers, and stakeholders
  • We conduct in-depth evaluation and identify your challenges before taking you through the message development process

Social Media & Content

Our integrated and strategic approach to content ensures that your messages stay organized across all channels. This helps in creating content that is compelling, resonates well, and draws your target audience’s attention. All this translates into generating action from the audience.

We begin by organizing your important messages into a framework. This helps in ensuring cross-channel synchronicity. Further, we will develop an editorial calendar that will guide the timelines and flow of your content. This includes scheduling of:

  • Influencer activity
  • Social content
  • Third-party engagement

And more.

At Blue Kazoo Marketing & Event Planning, we have decades of industry experience and we know what works. Besides, we have worked with clients from all types of industries and niches. For more information about our services, feel free to contact us at 678.310.4811 or write to us.
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